Download our Free Guide:
The Amazon Method

Grow Faster than
Your Competitors with Big-Brand Strategies

I teach business executives the formula the big brands use to beat out their competitors time and again.
Experience Steady Growth
Achieve Sustained Brand Loyalty
Generate Competitor Envy

Do you struggle with:

You Absolutely Can Be
the Leader in your Industry

Executive Coaching

Increase your confidence as you lead your company to a new era of greater growth and competition-crushing.

Keynote Presentations

Your attendees will leave talking about the insights they learned at one of my keynotes. I unlock and unpack the secrets the big brands use.

Author Insight

Learn the secrets the big brands use to annihilate their competition. In my book, I expose the tactics of some of the top brands.

We Get It – Building a Business is Tough

“I started Fastest Labs of St. Louis based on the logic in Jim’s writings. We conduct accurate tests in a clean, fast environment that gives our clients peace of mind.”
Chris Hric
President & CEO
Fastest Labs of St. Louis
“I remember the first time I heard about Jim Bramlett’s formula for domination. The formula is obvious once you see it, simple enough that any business can employ it, and transformational if you will implement it.”
Preston Bowman
Founder and Chief Coach
Tailwind Business Strategies & Stone Creek Consulting
“I use his book as reference in my university courses. I have had him guest lecture my students, even the ones in mainland China! Read what he writes. Listens when he talks. You will be glad you did.”
Tom Edwards
Professor of Business
Ottawa University

How It Works


Schedule Your Competitive
Analysis Kickoff

  This 60-minute call is a deep dive into your strategy and allows us to formulate the perfect plan to take industry dominance.

Review the

Our analysis will highlight weaknesses in your current strategy and provide targeted recommendations for maximum impact.

Implement the Strategy
and Watch Change Begin

Nothing changes until it changes. Take action. Implement the recommendations and begin to see your brand advance beyond the pack.

Cracking the Code

I understand how it feels to be deeply passionate about your company, but need more than passion to make it successful.
From my own “in the trenches” failures and successes, I finally cracked the code on how the big brands crush their competition. If you constantly stress over the marginal-to-little growth of your company. If you are worried about the growing number of competitors that your potential customers seem to be finding. I can take you from stressed and worried to confidence that your business is continually in high-growth mode, relieved that you no longer have to cut prices to attract the right type of customers, and encouraged that customers quickly understand that you are their best option.

Download our Free Guide:

The Amazon Method